New House Dream

At the end of one dream I was with someone and we were going to go to some kind of children’s museum. We walked into the door where we thought the museum would be and found that things looked very different from the last time we were there. It looked more like a hospital. As it turned out, we had wandered into the children’s hospital instead.

I think perhaps the person I was with was my ex-wife Cathy. This segued into the next dream where I had gotten back together with Cathy and we were moving into a new house. I kept wondering where I was going to put all my things. There was already a bed there. I would no longer have my own bedroom and this bothered me. I started wondering if this was what I really wanted. So much had happened in the years since we got divorced and I wasn’t sure she really knew me any more. I stood in the upstairs living room of the new house (off-white carpet, white walls) and watched a black widow spider come and drag the carcass of a cockroach away. This was the most realistic part of the dream, the one filled with the most detail.

I went to explore the rest of the new house. There was a patio that opened off the kitchen, leading to a forest of very tall trees. Perhaps our new house was in the redwood forest of California. As soon as I set foot into the forest, a small one-man starfighter began a strafing run between the immense trees. I had to run and dodge laser blasts until I was safe in the kitchen. Apparently our new house could withstand laser blasts.

That’s all.

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